

Why should I hire a professional instead of doing it myself?

The products we use are exclusive to professionals, ensuring superior quality over retail offerings. Cost-effectiveness aside, our service includes customized care plans based on your soil profile and specific lawn needs, ensuring optimal application and avoiding excess, particularly with herbicides and pesticides.

Are the treatments safe for pets and wildlife?

Yes, all our lawn care products are rigorously tested, fully licensed, and safe. Your lawn will be ready for pets and wildlife to enjoy just 90 minutes after application.

What is the timeframe for seeing improvements in my lawn?

The duration for lawn improvement varies based on existing lawn conditions. You’ll notice significant changes from weed control and nutrition within ten days, while more extensive renovations may require additional time.

Must I be present during your service visit?

It’s not necessary for you to be home. We’ll coordinate with you before we arrive. Please ensure we have clear access to your lawn and remove any obstructions, toys, furniture, or pet waste beforehand.

Do you offer a service guarantee?

Yes, we assure you that by adhering to our guidance, you will witness a noticeable enhancement in your lawn that you can take pride in.


Is it okay to walk on the lawn post-treatment?

Certainly, though it’s advisable to wait until the lawn dries, particularly after a moss control treatment.

How often does my lawn need treatments?

The exact number of treatments depends on your lawn’s unique needs, identified through our Professional Lawn Care Analysis. At least five visits per year is our standard recommendation, which we will customize specifically for your lawn.

What is the duration of each lawn treatment session?

Our state-of-the-art equipment enables us to work efficiently, ensuring top-quality results with minimal disruption. Preparation of customized treatments may take time, but we focus on delivering exceptional outcomes rather than the time spent on your lawn.

How can I tell if the treatments are effective?

The effectiveness of our treatments typically becomes apparent within 10-14 days following our visit, and you may often notice improvements even sooner.

What is the recommended frequency for mowing my lawn?

The mowing frequency is based on your lawn’s growth rate and health. We provide customized maintenance advice as part of our service and will discuss this with you during our visits.

Is it necessary to water my lawn?

Yes, like all plants, your lawn requires water. During drought periods, watering becomes especially crucial. Please consult us for our watering guide and personalized advice.

If my lawn looks irreparable, can you still assist?

Absolutely, it’s uncommon for us to encounter a lawn we can’t enhance. We provide reliable advice on achievable outcomes to align with your expectations. We’re here to help, regardless of the condition.

Why are lawn care and treatments important?

Our treatments aim to enhance your lawn’s density, health, and appearance while minimizing weeds and moss. They also condition the soil and nourish its microorganisms. Without proper care, everyday use, over-maintenance, or neglect can deplete essential nutrients, leading to a decline in your lawn’s condition. Moreover, a healthy 50m² lawn generates enough oxygen for one person daily.

Why choose us over a franchised lawn care service?

As a trusted, independent, family-owned business, we provide personalized, bespoke plans for each client, not a one-size-fits-all solution. Flexibility and adaptability to your lawn’s specific needs are our strengths. After each visit, we leave a detailed ‘post visit lawn report,’ enabling you to track your lawn’s progress over time. Our approach allows for personalized attention that franchised businesses, due to their volume, cannot match. We continually innovate and test new treatments, offering unparalleled value despite not being the cheapest option.


Lawn Treatments

Elevate your lawn’s beauty through a range of expert treatments.

    • Lawn Fertiliser
    • Weed Control
    • Moss Control
    • Lawn Aeration
    • Lawn Scarification
    • Overseeding

Full Service Plan

Discover our Lawn Care Plan, crafted to cover every facet of lawn care and vitality throughout the year. Our all-encompassing plan features five carefully customised treatments, keeping your lawn lush, robust, and lively through all seasons


Weed & Moss Control

Weeds and moss can dominate and damage a lawn, hindering grass growth. Timely treatments and renovation are crucial to maintaining the desired lushness and preventing these unwanted guests from taking over.


Regular scarification is essential to manage thatch, the build-up of dead organic matter. If thatch exceeds half an inch, it harms lawn health. Proper fertilisation and aeration can prevent excessive thatch accumulation.


Grass plants may perish from close mowing, overuse, drought, waterlogging, or pests. Aging lawns, especially Fescue-dominant, often suffer from diseases like Red Thread. Overseeding with resilient Ryegrass mixtures can enhance durability against climatic unpredictability.

Luxe Lawns

About Us

At Luxe Lawns, we offer bespoke, premium lawn services tailored to the unique needs of your garden. Our local experts use eco-friendly methods to bring unparalleled beauty to your outdoor space.

Locations Covered





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